Holocaust Memorial Day 2022

Today we pause in reflection of Holocaust Memorial Day, remembering the millions of victims of the Holocaust and the horrors of subsequent genocides.

Liverpool Street Station played a pivotal role between 1938 and 1939 in the Kindertransport rescue effort, rehoming almost 10,000 children from Nazi-controlled territories including Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland and the Free City of Danzig. Children were placed in British foster homes, hostels, schools and farms and many of whom were the only members of their families to survive the Holocaust.

Visitors to Liverpool Street today will see that the light around the station have been turned purple in remembrance and many gather around the statutes which pay tribute to more than one and half million children killed in the Holocaust.

One statue, ‘Fur Das Kind – Displaced’ can be found inside the station and was unveiled by the remarkable Sir Nicholas Winterton on 16 September 2003. The statue commemorates “the greatness of ordinary people in extraordinary times”. A stark reminder of the impact individuals can have in our community when they step forward to help.

I pledge to continue to Light the Darkness in standing against prejudice and hatred. I hope you will join countless others in lighting a candle at 8pm this evening.

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