This notice gives details of applications registered by the Department of The Built Environment
Code: FULL/FULEIA/FULLR3 – Planning Permission; LBC – Listed Building Consent; CAC – Conservation Area Consent; TPO – Tree Preservation Order; OUTL – Outline Planning Permission
Umi House, 4 – 10 Artillery Lane, London, E1 7LS Bishopsgate 22/01057/MDC Submission of details pursuant to part 14 a, b, c ,d and f pursuant to LPA Ref 22/00530/FULL as follows: 14a) particulars and samples of the materials to be used on all external faces of the building; 14b) details of new windows including the fritted glass and doors including reveals; 14c) details of the dormers including drainage; 14d) details of blue roofs; 14f) details of finishes proposed for the roof terrace plant enclosure. Link to City of London Planning Website for 22/01057/MDC |
2-3 Finsbury Avenue, London, EC2M 2PF Bishopsgate 22/01204/MDC Submission of details of cycle parking arrangements pursuant to condition 62 of the planning permission ref. 20/00869/FULEIA, dated 19.08.2021. Link to City of London Planning Website for 22/01204/MDC |
Members of the public may inspect any application between the hours of 09.30 and 16.30 at the Department of The Built Environment, North Wing, Guildhall, Basinghall Street, London EC2 – Tel: 020 7332 1710. Anyone wishing to make representations about any of these applications should do so in writing within 21 days of the date of this newspaper to The Chief Planning Officer, PO Box 270, Guildhall, London, EC2P 2EJ. Further details of applications are available at